The Arts Council of Snohomish County has put together a great program called "Art in Great Spaces" by collaborating with some building owners in Everett. It's really quite brilliant. I have a north and an east exposure so the light will be good. I am referring to this stint as "monkey in the window".
They will be putting artists into a few of the open storefronts on Colby and Hewitt Avenues for the next twelve weeks in six week shifts. By Wednesday I will be at 2702 Colby from Noon-6:00, Tuesday through Saturday. If you get a minute come on in to visit or play with art. Just bring something to work on. It should be fun.
I have been chosen as one of the six for the first shift which is July 1st-August 15th. I don't know what I will do for those six weeeks but am sure I will find a groove of some sort. My only hope is that in the six weeks I haven't moved my whole studio into the space only to have to move it back home all at once.
So, I will leave you with a couple notes. Enjoy this photo. I just love it. The ears are deer in the lake going for a swim.
Second, I know I am referring to myself as a monkey in the window but I hope none of you will come and expect me to be doing private things in public places.