The show went well Saturday night. It's a real treat to get out and see friends in a social setting right smack dab in the middle of the city of Seattle.
I included this 18" X 24" black and white encaustic piece in the show. The photo is dark. I don't know why. I took it outside. Could it be that even when the sun is out we don't get enough of the northwest light to shoot a photo.
I have seen that on Seth's Altered Page Blog alot of people would like to try encaustic and don't know where to start. I am toying with the idea of doing some short "how to's" here so people can dip thier toes into it. I just got a new camera so it's a possibility. Give me some time to figure out how.
Thanks to all of you who took time from your busy weekend to spend time with us at the show. It was much appreciated.