Monday, June 30, 2008

Tools & Encaustic

I had a ball at Larry Calkin's class. Find him at . He didn't just have torches and fire. He had woodworking tools. I love tools and everything they can do!
Larry was so cool. He is so into his work that when he has an idea he just drops down to the ground to work it out.

This piece 2' X 2'. It's large and a bit out there. In the holes I am going to add a scene of some sort. I'm not sure what yet. The blue you see is a chemical mix starting with steel wool and turning this beautiful blue after couple days. I loved the color obviously. It may be my first monotone encaustic.

I have done a bit of 3D or 2.5D before but not to this extent. This is actually some packaging I found. How cool is that? This is a green (eco wise) painting.

Everyone at the workshop worked on something completely different. It really felt good to be working in a group and not have the responsibility of teaching them. I cannot paint and teach at the same time. There is something about having a bunch of torch weilding novices that keeps me from relaxing into the zone.

Enjoy your summer. It's crazy hot here in Washington.


Lynda Cole said...

Hello Binky, this looks really interesting. It looks like a patina on copper. What do you mean by "The blue you see is a chemical mix starting with steel wool and turning this beautiful blue after couple days." How did you combine steel wool and encaustic?

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

hi binky!
love what you've done here. I heard great things about him too. I wish I could have taken a workshop from him when I was still in Seattle!

hope you are doing well!